Thursday 14 August 2014

Good Sleep Hygiene - Tips For Improving Your Sleep Habits

Posted in: quiet cool fans

So why do We want SLEEP?

Sleep isn't a time when we shut down and relax. Our minds and internal organs are very active during sleep. It is a time for vital body functions, such as cell growth and repair, and hormone release and rebalancing.

Researchers are just beginning to understand the many ways sleep affects our physical and mental health. Research shows that we learn and remember better when we are well rested. Researchers have also discovered that being well rested improves the body's response to infection. Sleep reduces heartbeat and blood pressure by about 10%. Sleep even affects our glucose levels and appetite.

Unfortunately, lots of people suffer from poor sleep hygiene which can lead to insomnia and other sleep health disorders. To develop good sleep hygiene, it is important to understand how your daily habits can keep you from getting the full night's sleep you need.


Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, although some people appear to need as few as 5 hours and other people need up to 10 hours. Teenagers and older children typically need about 9 hours rest, young children need between 10 and 12 hours, and infants need 16 to 18 hours of sleep every day. While seniors may report more difficulty sleeping, they still typically need 7 to 9 hours rest every night.

When people do not get enough sleep, they've created a "sleep debt," which, like other kinds of debt, has to be paid off eventually. We may think that our bodies can adjust to less sleep, but actually we become sleep-deprived. Without enough sleep, physical and mental functions become impaired. We become slow to react and make decisions, and we're more likely to get sick. People who chronically suffer from a lack of sleep are at greater risk of developing depression.


As many as 70 million Americans may have chronic sleep loss or a sleep problem. You should talk to your doctor if you don't sleep well or are often tired throughout the day for more than a few weeks--especially if you are so tired that you cannot function normally. Many safe and effective treatments are available.

The Most Common Sleep Disorders

o Insomnia: Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep regularly with no apparent cause; un-refreshed sleep despite ample opportunity to sleep

o Anti snoring: Common sleep problem in which people stop breathing in short periods throughout the night; the most common symptoms are heavy snoring, choking or gasping while asleep, and excessive daytime sleepiness

o Restless legs syndrome (RLS): Common disorder by which "unpleasant" feelings in the legs (and sometimes arms) cause an almost irresistible urge to move the limbs; symptoms make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep

o Narcolepsy: Excessive daytime sleepiness with muscle weakness and/or falling asleep at inappropriate times and places; some people also experience sleep paralysis (temporary wherewithal to move when falling asleep or waking) and vivid, often frightening dreams
Guidelines to help you Sleep
Sleeping hygiene habits to assist all people sleep...

o Develop a regular sleep schedule--try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on weekends

o Produce a good sleeping environment that is dark, quiet, cool, and free of distractions

-- If light bothers you, wear a watch mask and canopy the windows

-- To drown out noise, run a fan or a white noise machine, or use earplugs

-- Keep your temperature cool to help signal the body that it is time to sleep

-- Turn the alarm clock away from the bed if it is a distraction

o Try to relax before you go to bed--after you relax inside a hot bath, your body temperature drops, signaling the body that it's time to sleep

o Develop a bedtime routine--try to do the same things every night before going to sleep so your body will make the connection between these things (such as a hot bath and reading for 10 minutes) and sleep

o If you consume caffeine, do so in the morning and try to minimize the amount--caffeine is a stimulant and could disrupt sleep when taken within Four to six hours of bedtime

o Avoid drinking alcohol before bed--while it may help you relax and fall asleep, it causes disrupted, often restless sleep

o Avoid nicotine, especially near bedtime and upon night awakenings--nicotine is a stimulant and also the many dangers of smoking range from the risk of falling asleep with a lit cigarette

o Do not eat and drinking too much late in the evening-- large meals can interfere with sleep and may cause discomfort and heartburn (the backflow of acid and food from the stomach into the esophagus); too much drinking right before bed may result in nighttime trips to the bathroom

o Try to limit napping during the day, especially after 3 PM, as it might make you less sleepy at night

o Try to get natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes every day; if you have trouble dropping off to sleep, an hour of exposure each day can help regulate your daily sleep pattern

o Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes every day at least 3 hours before bedtime--late afternoon exercise may deepen sleep; however, vigorous exercise too close to bedtime may interfere with sleep
For those who have sleep problems...

o A light snack before bed, for example warm milk and some crackers, may help you sleep

o Avoid worrying about things, especially sleep, and don't lie awake in bed--give yourself about 15 minutes to fall asleep; if you are not drowsy, get out of bed and do something relaxing until you are tired

o Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex--don't read or watch television in bed, or eat or talk on the phone in bed

o Take a highly effective pain reliever if pain from conditions (e.g., arthritis or back problems) interferes with your sleep

o If you regularly take medications, seek advice from your doctor to make sure they are not interfering with your sleep; check over-the-counter medications to ensure they do not contain caffeine or other stimulants, such as pseudoephedrine

What feeds the ideas of inventors and manufacturers?

The requirements of the numerous, typically inspires creative thinking. Sometimes sound judgment thinking and experience are needed to perfect the original idea.

Here’s an example; a semi truck carrying a tall load got stuck within bridge as well as for hours city engineers and local authorities’ attempted to troubleshoot the issue with no success. The trailer was wedged underneath the bridge too tightly and also the tow trucks are not able to pull it out. A young boy watching suggests letting the air from the tires. Problem solved.

The idea of a whole house fan has been around for decades but was never very successful, stuck under a bridge, not accepted by the market. After hearing feedback from customers that had installed some of the original whole home fans and uninstalled them, an extremely experienced electrician got creative.

Noise was a big factor for uninstalling the original whole house fans. Exploring the construction and combining materials proven to withstand attic heat a new whole house fan was brought to industry. A product, this really is now capable of withstanding the exam of time in the hands of consumers.

Air conditioning systems are not going away soon, they serve an invaluable purpose but they're not the very best product for each situation and they're definitely not the most affordable product either. Air conditioning systems work when the both the outside air is hot and inside air is uncomfortable. They provide a strategy to keep the house and work environments livable.

With the cost of utilities continually rising most of us chose not to cool and empty home. Therefore, we arrive home from work to find the inside temperature unbearable. Opening windows and leaving doors open works well to start cool down but the the truth is that we'll wind up turning on the environment conditioner.

Radiating heat lasts for hours after the sun has gone down. If you can create cool air to cool an environment why not simply pull already cooled “free” air by using their same environment. Instead of opening many windows just open a couple at the furthest point out of your whole house fan ceiling grill. Turn your system on and have the air drawn into the house through those slightly opened windows.

The first stage of cool down may be the breeze on your skin, the net effect of the breeze is a ten degree cooling factor. The second stage is the hot inside air being drawn into the attic and replace with the cool outside air. The third stage is the extremely hot attic air being pushed outside. This circulation process within minutes has replaced the hot air with cool air and the air flow begins cooling hot surfaces both inside the house and in the attic. As those surfaces are cooled the radiating heat of the day is eliminated.

Sounds like a simple process, and it is. Perfecting the product to deliver the outcomes took years of product development and customer comments. Remember, the tractor trailer? Without air in the tires the tow truck was successful in pulling it out from under the bridge. Nevertheless the bridge and also the truck still needed to be repaired. Many years ago the whole house fan idea premiered, but only in the recent decade was the idea perfected and accepted.

Your needs are now being met by a product whose price is able to be more than replaced by utility bill savings in the future. Your electric bill savings from whole house fans will blow you away.
Welcome aboard, Steve. We look ahead to numerous years of partnering together to take QuietCool systems to your customers!